Working to reduce brain injury in newborns
Research-clinicians at Children's National Health System led the first study to identify a promising treatment to reduce or prevent brain injury in newborns who have suffered hypoxia-ischemia, a...
View ArticleGenetic mutation in extended Amish family in Indiana protects against aging...
The first genetic mutation that appears to protect against multiple aspects of biological aging in humans has been discovered in an extended family of Old Order Amish living in the vicinity of Berne,...
View ArticleCombination immunotherapy targets cancer resistance
Cancer immunotherapy drugs have had notable but limited success because in many cases, tumors develop resistance to treatment. But researchers at Yale and Stanford have identified an experimental...
View ArticlePeople born premature have smaller airways causing respiratory problems
People born prematurely may have smaller airways than those born at full term, which can cause respiratory problems. That's according to research published in Experimental Physiology today.
View ArticleTrials show inactivated Zika virus vaccine is safe and immunogenic
The investigational Zika purified inactivated virus (ZPIV) vaccine was well-tolerated and induced an immune response in participants, according to initial results from three Phase 1 clinical trials....
View ArticleFailure to understand risks may lead to dangerous delay in seeking medical care
Making medical decisions for yourself or a loved one is challenging. Survival statistics, drug effectiveness rates and other numbers that convey risk factors and medical information may seem like they...
View ArticleSpinal cord injury affects the heart
Spinal cord injury affects the heart, that's what research published in Experimental Physiology and carried out by researchers from University of British Columbia, Canada has found.
View ArticleTeam of bioethicists calls for rigorous trials for experimental fetal therapy
Citing uncertainties about the risks and benefits of an experimental therapy for fetuses whose kidneys do not develop, bioethicists at Johns Hopkins and a team of medical experts are calling for...
View ArticleThe story of a new skin
Decades of scientific research into areas including plant genetics and data science helped doctors successfully carry out an experimental therapy to create a new skin for a seven-year-old boy suffering...
View ArticleModerate exercise training improves some of the Marfan syndrome symptoms in mice
Regular physical activity is a common therapy for people with cardiovascular problems, but not recommended to those with Marfan syndrome, a rare disease of the connective tissue affecting the...
View ArticleAt least three out of five people who try a cigarette become daily smokers
At least 61 per cent of people who try their first cigarette become, at least temporarily, daily smokers, suggests an analysis of survey data by Queen Mary University of London.
View ArticleOne of the most promising drugs for Alzheimer's disease fails in clinical trials
To the roughly 400 clinical trials that have tested some experimental treatment for Alzheimer's disease and come up short, we can now add three more.
View ArticleThe combination of two proteins exerts a regenerating effect in Parkinson's...
Parkinson's disease is currently the second-most widespread neurogenerative pathology. It is a motor disorder caused by the loss of dopaminergic neurons in the gray matter of the brain. These neurons...
View ArticleNew study validates clotting risk factors in chronic kidney disease
In late 2017, researchers from Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM) discovered and published (Science Translational Medicine, (9) 417, Nov 2017) a potential treatment target to prevent chronic...
View ArticleDon't sweat it: Bikram yoga is no more effective than yoga practiced at room...
Bikram yoga, a hot yoga style, is no more effective at improving health than the same yoga postures at room temperature - that's what research published in Experimental Physiology and carried out by...
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